Uplifted Mindz is dedicated to creating clothing and accessories that will alter your mind to a positive state through high vibrational designs and positive messages. We are a small business of two humans in love, who share the passion for creating unique clothing. We both have had a niche for matching clashing patterns together, clothing design, and unique alterations since we were kids, and now we are manifesting our visions into reality to share with others. We put our highest intentions and positive vibes into every creation and we want to spread that energy to every Uplifted Mind on this planet. We want to raise your vibration through our designz, to raise the vibration of the planet. It is a Universal Law that what you put out into the Universe, you will receive right back. We want to spread nothing but our highest intentions and positive healing vibrations. We hope you feel the love and positive intentions of our creationz. Thank you for being apart of the Uplifted Mindz family!
Bless Up!
-Breana & Jonny